Water Soluble Clean Seals
You know the feeling: After a sticky day in the car, you check into your hotel, you get to your room, close the door behind you, plop onto the bed. You let out a sigh. You have arrived.
Grain & Gluten Free
Whether you have Hypothyroidism, Hashimotos, PCOS, Celiac or another diagnosis that says you can’t have bread, there is light! We know how hard is is to find a safe and healthy alternative — so try this delicious alternative to whole wheat bread.
Fish. Period.
I heard a knock on the door. I opened, and there it was — the box. I called my children down, away from their online classes; I wanted them to see how true compostable packaging looked like in real life, arriving at the end consumer. We stood around watching its content come to light, covered by beautiful (I thought so) recycled paper, bookended by two compostable ice packs. The seventeen year old oohed and aahed at the content, being the foody that he is. Everything was clean, dry and frozen. Our marketing department called it:
Tea Stickers At Bon Appétit
We want to celebrate all the small moments in life which give us the greatest joy - a kiss, a smile, a laugh, or a burst of creativity - alone or in the company of those we love. Let's build a brand together—just Us Two.
Fruit & Vegetable Labels Dissolve in Water
Fruit and Vegetable dissolvable labels. Put under water for 15-20 seconds and the label completely dissolves. The adhesive is plant-based and FDA non-toxic.
Compostable Labels Aren't As Durable & That’s A Good Thing
I think this a wonderful branding opportunity for business who want their customers to know what they're doing. The fact that the label is not as durable as plastic is precisely the point of using a compostable stock - it’s not meant to last forever, unlike a plastic sticker. Most everybody understands, appreciates and chooses the compostable over plastic label.
A Torrid Romance with Smitten Ice Cream
Feel the love? Yes, 90% is from that deliriously yummy ice cream. The other 10%? Gotta be from that the compostable label sticker on top of of that compostable container. Smitten Ice Cream needed to label their compostable containers with compostable labels.
Expo Milano 2015 - USA Pavilion going Compostable
It's all about food in Milan, Italy. How will we feed the planet? The USA Pavilion features American classics from all over America during the course of Expo 2015. This year it's Food Truck Nation and they're using compostable food containers and our compostable labels.
Chocolate Brownies melt in your mouth and the packaging melts in the compost
A bakery in Northampton, Mass is doing it right. Do you believe in doing the right thing? Do you believe in those who do well prosper and sleep well at night? Reward come to those who care and those who practice that philosophy in everything they do.
Catering and Food Company Labels with Soy Inks
Stickers for Catering and Food Companies printed with Soy Inks.