Water Soluble Clean Seals
You know the feeling: After a sticky day in the car, you check into your hotel, you get to your room, close the door behind you, plop onto the bed. You let out a sigh. You have arrived.
Fruit & Vegetable Labels Dissolve in Water
Fruit and Vegetable dissolvable labels. Put under water for 15-20 seconds and the label completely dissolves. The adhesive is plant-based and FDA non-toxic.
Going beyond your typical Name Tag, Burton Snowboards takes it to another level: Dissolvable Name Tags
Name Tags dissolve in water for Burton Snowboards
Dissolvable Labels used on seed blocks for Nebraska Game and Parks Department
Nebraska Game & Parks makes seed blocks which wildlife eat and then reseed remote areas and burned forests. Plan It Green Printing provides dissolvable labels which are adhered to the seed blocks with molasses.
NYC DOT Dissolvable Label Stickers Made from Plant Starch
NYC DOT uses Plan It Green Printing Dissolvable Labels