Plan It Green Printing

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How Museums, Hospitals, and Universities are Taking Easy Steps Toward Sustainability with Plan It Green Printing

In the global conversation about sustainability, many organizations are looking for practical, impactful ways to reduce their environmental footprint. Museums, hospitals, and universities have unique challenges when it comes to managing waste and improving eco-conscious practices—but they also have significant opportunities. At Plan It Green Printing, we’ve made it our mission to offer sustainable, earth-friendly printing solutions that help institutions take easy, yet meaningful steps toward a greener future.

Low-Hanging Fruit: Sustainable Printing

One of the most effective, yet often overlooked, ways for organizations to move toward sustainability is by rethinking something as simple as their labels, stickers, and wristbands. Our dissolvable and EarthFirstPLA sticker labels are plant-based, and compostable. We print on these labels using our Austrian TUV OK Compost Toner. They offer an easy switch from traditional plastic stickers and labels—without sacrificing durability or functionality.

Over the years, we’ve partnered with a range of institutions to help them reduce plastic waste and adopt greener practices. Here’s how some of our clients in the museum, healthcare, and education sectors have embraced these small changes for big environmental impacts.

Museums: Compostable Admission Stickers

Museums and Aquariums across the U.S. have traditionally relied on single-use plastic admission stickers for visitors. However, through our EarthFirstPLA labels, museums have been able to make a simple switch to an industrial compostable solution. Our labels are durable, oil- and water-resistant, and work just like plastic—but they’re made from corn stalks grown and manufactured right here in the Midwest.

With EarthFirstPLA labels, these institutions have been able to reduce their plastic footprint, while ensuring that visitor stickers don't contribute to long-term environmental waste. It's an easy, low-hanging fruit that aligns perfectly with many museums’ broader sustainability goals.

Courtesy Hillwood Museum

Hospitals: Non-Toxic, Dissolvable Name Badges

In hospitals, where security and admissions rely heavily on sticker name badges, switching to eco-friendly alternatives can make a significant impact. We’ve partnered with several healthcare facilities to introduce dissolvable FDA non-toxic sticker name badges. Not only are these badges easy to write on and safer for the environment, but they also dissolve completely in water, making them a perfect zero-waste solution for high-turnover environments like hospital security and admissions.

This easy switch allows hospitals to meet internal sustainability targets without compromising on the safety and reliability of their identification processes.

Universities: Compostable Food Labels

Food services departments at universities are another key area where sustainable printing can make a noticeable difference. Universities across the country are increasingly moving toward compostable solutions in their cafeterias, and our EarthFirstPLA stickers are a perfect fit. These labels, used on everything from food packaging to takeout containers, are industrially compostable.

Our clients have been able to seamlessly switch from traditional plastic stickers to our EarthFirstPLA labels, supporting campus-wide initiatives toward zero-waste goals. With a compostable adhesive option and our Austrian TUV OK Compost Toner, these stickers can be 100% compostable or 90-95% compostable, depending on our adhesives.

The Path to Greener Solutions is Simpler Than You Think

For organizations looking to make immediate progress in their sustainability efforts, these projects represent easy wins. By switching to dissolvable stickers, compostable labels, and eco-friendly wristbands, museums, hospitals, and universities can reduce their environmental impact with very little effort.

At Plan It Green Printing, we’ve been leading the way in sustainable printing since 2003, helping organizations through out the USA and Canada make simple yet impactful changes to their everyday operations. Our dissolvable FDA non-toxic sticker labels, EarthFirstPLA stock, and recycled paper wristbands provide practical solutions for institutions committed to going green.

Are you ready to take your first step toward sustainability? Let us help you find the low-hanging fruit that can make a big difference. Whether you’re a museum, hospital, university, or any other institution, we have the earth-friendly printing solutions you need.