Mother Earth Books

Authors Rebecca and Jeffrey Hutchinson say the idea for their first children’s book, I Am Mother Earth, was born at a time when the world needs wonderful words and beautiful art to inspire young readers.

The book, a 32-page paperback appropriate for ages 3-8, was officially released during the 25th anniversary celebration of Durango Nature Studies on May 4th in Durango, Colorado.

I Am Mother Earth promotes adventure, acceptance and good earth stewardship,” said Becky. “We are thrilled to be able to come back with such a beautiful story. Artfully illustrated with a poetic verse. The story follows a child’s discovery of how people and the planet can exist in harmony.”

The Hutchinsons’ inspiration for I Am Mother Earth took shape after three groups of people unknowingly crossed each other’s path.

Back in 2018, Jeffrey came upon a wonderful online journal of two inspiring travelers trekking the Continental Divide from South America to North America. He soon became a fan of the two young adventurers, Bethany Hughes and Lauren Reed, better known on the trail as Fidgit and Neon.

Jeffrey shared the young women’s story with his family as a way to inspire his children in their own lives.

One day the continental travelers made their way through a small Chilean village and spent time talking with locals and taking photos. They posted pictures on their Facebook blog, Her Odyssey, of an artist’s studio and artwork. The artist was Marcela Stormesan Bravo and her captivating work jumped off the screen and enlightened Jeffrey. Being an artist himself, he found the pieces reached his soul.

“The vibrant colors and primitive figures called out to me,” he said. “After showing the artwork to Rebecca, who is a publisher, we melded our thoughts of world peace, love and nature into a series of poetic ideas on paper. We presented our ideas to Marcela and she agreed to illustrate the book,” said Jeffrey. “The poetic rhythm of the text and the rich illustrations make for a beautiful read.”

Thousands of miles separate these three groups of people, yet they inspired one another and cultivated a relationship that reaches across oceans and continents.

Published by Mother Earth Books of Durango and printed sustainably by Plan It Green Printing with low VOC soy inks on recycled FSC certified paper. Watch the Video here

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